Date and Time
Saturday Oct 5, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT
Choose one: 10/5/24, 8am-12:30pm 10/19/24, 8am-12:30pm 11/2/24, 8am-12:30pm
Builders Exchange of NW Michigan 3175Continental Dr. Traverse City, MI
Members: $103 per person Non-members: $115 per person Lunch, snacks and drinks provided
Contact Information
Builders Exchange of NW Michigan
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Michigan 2021 Plumbing Code Update Cl...
Builders Exchange of NW Michigan is hosting a Michigan 2021 Plumbing Code Update Class to help plumbers in the area stay up to date with licensing requirements. There are 3 different dates available, and it is open to anyone (not just members)