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Amvets Scholarship 2025 Application


The AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship of $1,000 has been established to recognize the need and reward academic achievement of applicants. The goal is to stimulate recruitment of well-qualified candidates for careers in our society and to reflect the interest and involvement of its members. Scholarship application(s) will be judged in April and awarded in May. An invitation to be recognized will be extended to the winner to attend the May AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Post 114 meeting.

1) To qualify, you must be a current member of the AMVETS Auxiliary or Sons of AMVETS Post $114, a member’s spouse, child or grandchildren are also eligible. Individuals who do not meet the member or family of a member category are eligible to apply if sponsored by a Ladies Auxiliary member of Post 114
2) Applicant must be a 2025 Elk Rapids High school or Sunrise Academy graduate.
3) Two written and signed letters of recommendation must accompany the scholarship request application.
4) The completed application and recommendation letters need to be postmarked no later than April 21, 2025, and mailed to:

Sherry Steffen
P.O. Box 591
Elk Rapids, MI 49629
or email to

1) Must fully complete this application in a legible manner either type or print.
2) Respond with N/A (not applicable) on any line that is not applicable to you.
3) Statement of financial need must be completed.
4) Applicants must submit a current official transcript showing GPA from your high school and college, if dual enrolled. Transcript can be electronically sent directly to from the school to meet the official requirements.
5) Submit eligibility of your Auxiliary member sponsor with a copy of her valid member card.
6) This application must be received by the deadline date. It can be mailed, emailed or hand delivered to the listed Scholarship Chair noted above.

1) A scholarship committee will review applications and hold in person interviews if necessary.
2) Winner(s) to be notified in May.
3) Announcement of the recipients will take place via Auxiliary meeting, local newspaper, Amvets Facebook page, ERHS Senior Academic Honors Awards Night.
4) Recipients will be invited to an Auxiliary meeting for recognition.
5) The scholarship award check will be mailed to the college of recipients’ choice.

Click HERE for Application

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