Date and Time
Saturday May 11, 2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
10937 Elk Lake Rd
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Myrtle and Maude's Annual Pancake Bre...
Mother's Day Weekend marks our season opener and what better time for our annual pancake breakfast on the farm!?!
Enjoy a hot and delicious pancake and sausage breakfast served up on our 4th generation cherry and apple farm! Saturday May 11th bring your family, friends, and MOM out to the farm for this unique event!
Maude and Grandma Birdie will have the skillets hot and serving up breakfast starting @ 8am! Coffee, OJ, Pancakes, & Sausage! We will be serving until we run out of the goods!
~ Breakfast Tokens: Adults $10 / Children (3-6yrs) $6 / 2yrs & under FREE
~ Breakfast Tokens: Adults $10 / Children (3-6yrs) $6 / 2yrs & under FREE
Also enjoy ...
* Tractor pulled wagon ride BLOSSOM TOURS! Hitch a ride with Farmer Paul as he pulls you through the breathtaking views of our cherry and apple orchards in full bloom! The smells alone are worth the trip!
~ Wagon Ride Tokens: Adults $10 / Children (3-6yrs) $5 / 2yrs & under FREE
~ Wagon Ride Tokens: Adults $10 / Children (3-6yrs) $5 / 2yrs & under FREE
* Professional Photo Shoot with Mom by @emcreativephoto! Ellie will be setup to capture the perfect springtime photos of Moms with all her little loves! Stop by for a generation photo ~ Grandma, Mom, & kids! (digital purchases made online after photoshoot)
* First picks of our amazing and uniquely potted florals and hanging baskets! The perfect weekend to scoop up the planters needed for your porches and/or for gifts for your mamma!
* Shopping ~ seasonal decor, Michigan made products, refurb furniture, vintage finds, and SO MUCH MORE!
* Kids play area open along with yard games and a relaxing farm atmosphere to enjoy! Meet our MINI COW and GOAT ~ Patsy Cline & Merle Haggard! Also new to the farm this spring will be 2 miniature baby goats!!!
Market opens 8am-5pm Saturday May 11th!