Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 7, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Contact Information
Emily Burke
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Community Conversation about the Grass River
November 28, 2022
Grass River Natural Area, Inc. (GRNA) and Three Lakes Association (TLA) invite Antrim County residents and other interested parties to a Community Conversation about the Grass River on Wednesday, December 7th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at the Grass River Center, 6500 Alden Hwy, Bellaire. At the meeting, GRNA and TLA will update attendees on the river’s health and its possible future, as well as listen to the community’s observations and concerns.
Grass River is a community treasure, and to preserve it, we need to address some critical threats, including an increasing sediment load, irresponsible boating practices, and invasive species. To work toward solutions, GRNA and TLA are building an adaptive management plan to improve the health of the Grass River. The two organizations are currently in the community engagement phase to bring together groups of stakeholders, inform them of the current threats to the river, and gather their input on possible solutions. Stakeholder input will be considered while building the management plan.
Everyone who is interested in the Grass River’s future is invited to attend the Community Conversation. At 5:00 pm. there will be refreshments, mingling, and mapping of our connections. At 5:30, there will be a presentation and discussion on Grass River’s threats and future, followed by opportunities for attendees to offer thoughts and ideas regarding what the management plan should focus on. GRNA and TLA are looking forward to developing community consensus on a long-term vision for the Grass River.
To register for this event, please go to the home pages of either organization: or
This work is funded with a grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.
About Grass River Natural Area
Grass River Natural Area is a 1,492-acre nature preserve surrounding the Grass River, located in the heart of Antrim County. GRNA, Inc.’s mission is to manage the Grass River Natural Area, conserve and protect its watershed, and provide opportunities that increase knowledge, appreciation, and community-wide stewardship of the natural environment.
About Three Lakes Association
Beginning in 1966, Three Lakes Association has been working to ensure that Lake Bellaire, Clam Lake, and Torch Lake remain the wonderful natural resources that we all love and enjoy. TLA’s mission is to provide leadership to preserve, protect, and improve the environmental quality of the Elk River Chain of Lakes Watershed for all generations with an emphasis on Lake Bellaire, Clam Lake, Torch Lake, and their tributaries.
Photo credit to Aaron Holznagle