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Renee's House of Quilting, Inc.


Quilting, Fabrics and Crafts

About Us

Product/Service: We carry about 5000 bolts of fabric including some rayon and Shannon cuddle.
We have hundreds of the latest books, patterns and notions. We also offer classes in quilting and some garment sewing.
We are the northern Michigan Accuquilt Signature Dealer!

Who Needs Our Services: Any one who loves making things will enjoy a visit with us. We are geared to quilting, Home Dec, garment sewing, crafts and more.
A lot of people love to come in and just look at the beautiful displays.

Location: We are located at 8995 M72 E. in Williamsburg. Right next to Mr C's Pub and Grill about 4 miles east of Acme!

Special Offer: Our everyday special is buy 10 fat quarters and get 2 free.

What We Like Best About Acme: We love the open water in Acme and many times I have personally taken a few hours just to sit on the beach.
The beauty there just makes the tension disappear! We haven't gotten so commercial we forget to appreciate our customers. Our motto is ''Never too busy too pass out a Smile!''

Fun Fact to Share: My husband is a retired Traverse City Police officer and bakes home made cookies everyday for the customers. He also figures yardage and cuts fabric!

Rep/Contact Info

Renee' Savage

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