Saturday Dec 9, 2023
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM EST
Rhonda @231-360-5225
Euchre Tournament - PUBLIC WELCOME!
$10 per person minimum donation to play. Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!
You do not need to be an AMVETS member to play. You do not need to bring a partner to play. Play will break about halfway through. Feel free to bring an appetizer to share!
Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early.
Proceeds benefit AMVETS Post #114 and veteran non-profit, 22 2 NONE
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Elk Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
305 US-31 North, Elk Rapids, MI 49629 – (231) 264-8202 –